Schedule may vary
from year to year.
8:20 Shachris
9:00 Chumash and Halacha
9:30 Breakfast
10:00 Shiur
12:25 Lunch
1:10 Chazara Seder
2:30 Mincha
2:45 Break
7:50 Night Seder
8:55 Maariv
7:50 Shachris
8:45 Chumash and Halacha
9:00 Breakfast
9:30 Shiur
12:25 Lunch
12:55 Chazara Seder
1:40 Mincha
1:55 Break
3:45 General Studies
6:55 Dinner
7:50 Night Seder
8:55 Maariv
7:50 Shachris
9:00 Breakfast
9:30 Shmuz following Breakfast
9:50 Shiur
12:30 Lunch
8:45 Shachris
At YOM, we challenge you to learn and grow as a Ben Torah. You’ll experience high-caliber learning, probably finishing a mesechta or two each year. You’ll reach new heights in davening and yiras shamayim. You’ll impress yourself with your accomplishments.
It’s intense, but the yeshiva is constantly innovating new ideas, incentives, deals, and healthy recreational outlets. You’ll develop lifelong friendships with your chevrah. We keep the YOM atmosphere enjoyable and a strong momentum going.
The rebbeim’s influence starts with engaging shiurim. Beyond the classroom, they are warm, relatable, and always available to talk. With compassion and experience, they’ll be a guiding force in your years at yeshiva. The rebbeim open their homes to you for Shabbos seudos, oneg Shabbosim, and countless other occasions. Alumni continue their relationships with their rebbeim even after graduating.
Imagine the satisfaction of knowing an entire mesechta. At YOM, it’s within your reach with our mesechta testing program for each grade. You’ll complete either the bekius mesechta or the main mesechta and celebrate with a grand siyum. The fortunate bochurim who make it to the finish line with an 85% average enjoy a 5-star Colorado ski trip the next winter.
Parent Shabbos is a highlight of the year. YOM parents experience the yeshiva firsthand, and we get to know them. The atmosphere is electric! It’s no surprise that there’s over 90% parent participation. The program includes all the Shabbos meals, a father/son learning seder, and a Motzei Shabbos hockey game and barbeque.
At YOM, you’ll enjoy our brand new, beautifully constructed
dormitory with amenities.
• Lounge area
• Plenty of storage space
• Nightly dorm counselors
• On-site coin laundry
• Weekly dry cleaners’ pickup and delivery
The yeshiva actively encourages sports. We built a brand new, state of the art, high school-sized gym with six basketball hoops and a retractable volleyball net. You’ll have gym class as part of General Studies, and the gym is available during breaks and at night. And you’ve probably heard of our famous winter Motzei Shabbos ice hockey leagues.
To protect all our bochurim, we do not allow smart phones in yeshiva. The yeshiva provides talk and text phones through the yeshiva plan only.
The Minneapolis community embraces YOM bochurim, inviting them for Shabbos and Yom Tov meals. Bochurim give back to the community through mishmar learning with balei batim and community programs. Past successes include helping Tomchei Shabbos and offering ice-skating lessons for kids.
Click to see our 2023-2024 schedule. Every four to five weeks, the yeshiva has an “off-Shabbos.”
Out of town boys are expected to go home or make their own arrangements.